1. 单个词组成的刊名不得缩写
2. 刊名中单音节词一般不缩写
英文期刊中有许多单音节词,如FOOD,CHEST,CHILD,这些词不得缩写。如医学期刊Hear and Lung, 缩写为Heart
Lung,仅略去连词and.但少数构成地名的单词,如NEW,SOUTH等,可缩写成相应首字字母。如New England Journal
of Medcine,可缩写为N Engl J Med,不应略为New Engl J Med,South African Journal
of Surgery可缩写为S Afr J Surg,不可缩写为South Afr J
Surg。另外,少于5个字母(含5个字母)的单词一般不缩写,如Acta, Heart, Bone, Joint等均不缩写。
3. 刊名中的虚词一律省略
国外学术期刊刊名中含有许多虚词,如the, of, for, and, on, from, to等,在缩写时均省去。如Journal of
Chemistry缩写为J Chem, Archives of Medical Research缩写为Arch Med Res。
4. 单词缩写应省略在辅音之后、元音之前
5. 压缩字母法
Journal of Ophthalmology,应缩写为Jpn J Ophthalmol, National Cancer
Institute Research Report缩写为Natl Cancer Inst Res
Rep。而Nat是Nature和Natural的缩写,如Nature Medicine, Nature
Biotechnology分别缩写为Nat Med, Nat
6. 学科名称缩写
7. 刊名中常用词和特殊单词的缩写
8. 刊名首字母组合
Journal of American Medical Association缩写为JAMA,British Medical
9. 国家名称的缩写
British缩写为Br, Chinese缩写为Chin等。而国家名称由多个词组组成时,常取每个词的首字母,如United States
of America缩写为USA或US。
在文章发表时,由于西方人士名在前 姓在后,一般也采用名+姓的格式书写,如下题名 、作者及正文的书写:
Zheming Ruan, Phyllis Wilson and David R. Mootoo. Bis-pyranoside
Alkenes: Novel Templates for the Synthesis of Adjacently Linked
Ruan, Zheming; Wilson, Phyllis; Mootoo, David R. Bis-pyranoside
Alkenes: Novel Templates for the Synthesis of Adjacently Linked
Tetrahydrofurans. Tetrahedron Letters Volume: 37, Issue: 21, May 2,
1996, pp. 3619-3622.
由于东西方姓与名排列的差异,有的国外杂志在人名后还给出作者学位或参加的学会, 因此很多人不知道如何区别姓、名、学位单位,如何缩写。
1. 姓名缩写只缩写名而不缩写姓;
2. 无论东西方人,缩写名的书写形式都是姓在前、名在后;
3. 杂志作者名中,全大写一定是姓;
4. 省略所有缩写点
如 R. Brain Haynes缩写为Haynes RB, Edward J. Huth缩写为Huth EJ等。
(1) Maeve O'Conner, 正确缩写应为O'Conner M, 有人会按英文的构词习惯认为是印刷错 误,认为Oconner M
(2) 国外也有复姓,如Julie C. Fanbury-Smith, Hartly
Lorberboum-Galski等分别缩写为Fanbury-Smith JC, Lorbertoum-Galski HL
(3) 姓名中含前缀De, Des, Du, La, Dal, La, Von, Van, den,
der等,将前缀和姓作为一个整体,按字顺排列,词间空格和大小写字母不影响排列,如Kinder Von Werder缩写为Von Werder
K,不可写为Werder KV.
(4) 国外杂志要求作者署名后给出作者学位和加入的学会,学位与学会名也是用缩写。学位常见的有PhD(哲学博士),SM(理科硕士)和MBA(管理学硕士)等,学会名称的缩写一
般采用首字母缩写,如Royal Society of Chemistry缩写为RSC等。一篇论文作者署名为 Edward J. Huth,
MD, PhD, ICMJE则表示Edward J.
值得注意的是,中国人在国外杂志发表文章,署名名前姓后,在国内则姓前名后,这样 做,国外人会认为不是同一个作者,如Lihuang
Abreviations Journal
Acta Biochim. Biophys. Acta Biochimica and Biophysica
Acta Bot. Neerl. Acta Botanica Neerlandica
Adv. Agron. Advances in Agronomy
Adv. Bot. Res. Advances in Botanical Research
Agric. Biol. Chem. Agricultural and Biological Chemistry
Agric. Res. Agricultural Research
Agron. J. Agronomy Journal
Allelopathy J. Allelopathy Journal
Am. J. Bot. American Journal of Botany
Anal. Biochem. Analytical Biochemistry
Anal. Chem. Analytical Chemistry
Ann. Appl. Biol. Annals of Applied Biology
Ann. Bot. Annals of Botany
Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Mol. Biol. Annual Review Plant Physiology
and Plant Molecular Biology
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Aust. J. Bot. Australian Journal of Botany
Aust. J. Exp. Agric. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Aust. J. Plant Physiol. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology
Biochem.Biophys. Res. Commu. Biochemistry Biophysics and Reserach Communications
Biochem. J. Biochemical Journal
Biochim. Biophys. Acta Biochimica and Biophysica Acta
Biol. Plant. Biologia Plantarum
Bios. Biotechnol. Biochem. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry
Bot. Gaz. Botanical Gazette
Bot. Mag. Botanical Magazyne
Bot. Rev. Botanical Review
Braz. Arch. Bio. Technol. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology
Can. J. Biochem. Canadian Journal of Biochemistry
Can. J. Bot. Canadian Journal of Botany
Can. J. Plant Sci. Canadian Journal of Plant Science
Cereal Chem. Cereal Chemistry
Ciênc. Cult. Ciência e Cultura
Commun. Soil Sci. Plant. Anal. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis
Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences
Crop Prot. Crop Protection
Crop Sci. Crop Science
Curr. Adv. Plant Sci. Current Advances in Plant Science
Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. Current Opinion in Plant Biology
Econ. Bot. Economic Botany
Environ. Exp. Bot. Environmental and Experimental Botany
Eur. J. Biochem. European Journal of Biochemistry
Eur. J. Plant Pathol. European Journal of Plant Pathology
Exp. Agric. Experimental Agriculture
FEBS Lett. FEBS Letters
FEMS Microbiol. Lett. FEMS Microbiology Letters
Field Crops Res. Field Crops Research
Fitopatol. Bras. Fitopatologia Brasileira
Food Chem. Food Chemistry
Hortic. Res. Horticultural Research
Hortic. Rev. Horticultural Reviews
Hortic. Sci. Horticultural Science
Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. Internatonal Journal of Food Science and Technology
Int. J. Plant Sci. International Journal of Plant Science
J. Agric. Food Chem. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
J. Agric. Sci. Journal of Agricultural Science
J. Agron. Crop. Sci. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science
J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. Journal of the American Society of
Horticultural Science
J. Anal. Chem. Journal of Analytical Chemistry
J. Biochem. Journal of Biochemistry
J. Biol. Chem. Journal of Biological Chemistry
J. Chem. Ecol. Journal of Chemical Ecology
J. Chromatogr. Journal of Chromatography
J. Chromatogr. Biomed. Appl. Journal of Chromatography Biomedical Applications
J. Chromatogr. Sci. Journal of Chromatographic Science
J. Environ. Biol. J. Environmental Biology
J. Ethnopharmacol. J. Ethnopharmacology
J. Exp. Biol. Journal of Experimental Biology
J. Exp. Bot. Journal of Experimental Botany
J. Food Sci. Journal of Food Science
J. Gen. Microbiol. Journal of General Microbiology
J. Hortic. Sci. Journal of Horticultural Science
J. Hortic. Sci. Biotechnol. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology
J. Nematol. Journal of Nematology
J. Photochem. Photobiol. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology
J. Phytopathol. J. Phytopathology
J. Plant Growth Regul. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation
J. Plant Nutr. Journal of Plant Nutrition
J. Plant Physiol. Journal of Plant Physiology
J. Plant Res. Journal of Plant Research
J. Sci. Food Agric. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
J. Soil Sci. Journal of Soil Science
J. Trop. Ecol. Journal of Tropical Ecology
J. Veg. Sci. Journal of Vegetation Science
J. Virol.. Journal of Virology
Methods Enzymol. Methods in Enzymology
Mol. Plant-Microbe Interac. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
New Phytol. New Phytologist
Nematol. Bras. Nematologia Brasileira
Nematol. Mediterr. Nematologia Mediterranea
Pesq. Agrop. Bras. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira
Photochem. Photobiol. Photochemistry and Photobiology
Photosynth. Res. Photosynthesis Research
Physiol. Plant Path. Physiological Plant Pathology
Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology
Physiol. Plant. Physiologia Plantarum
Plant Biol. Plant Biology
Plant Cell Plant Cell
Plant Cell Environ. Plant and Cell Environment
Plant Cell Physiol. Plant and Cell Physiology
Plant Cell Rep. Plant Cell Reports
Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture
Plant Dis. Plant Disease
Plant Dis. Rep. Plant Disease Reporter
Plant Ecol. Plant Ecology
Plant Growth Regul. Plant Growth Regulation
Plant J. Plant Journal
Plant Mol. Biol. Plant Molecular Biology
Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter
Plant Pathol. Plant Pathology
Plant Physiol. Plant Physiology
Plant Physiol. Biochem. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Plant Sci. Plant Science
Plant Soil Plant and Soil
Postharvest Biol. Technol. Postharvest Biology and Technology
Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of USA
Rev. Bras. Bot. Revista Brasileira de Botânica
Rev. Bras. Fisiol. Veg. Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia Vegetal
Russian J. Nematol. Russian Journal of Nematology
Russian J. Plant Physiol. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology
Sci. Agricola Scientia Agricola
Sci. Hortic. Scientia Horticulturae
Seed Sci. Res. Seed Science Research
Seed Sci. Technol. Seed Science and Technology
Soil Biol. Biochem. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
Trees – Struct. Funct Trees – Structure and Function
Tree Physiol. Tree Physiology
Trends Plant Sci. Trends in Plant Science
Trop. Agric. Tropical Agriculture
Theor. Appl. Genet. Theoretical and Applied Genetics
Weed Res. Weed Research
Weed Technol. Weed Technology
Weed Sci. Weed Science